Kislingbury Highways Charity



(Formally known as StonePit Close Charity) Registration No. 262327


The history of this Charity goes back to an award made by the Commissioners of the Enclosures Act of 1779. This award was a parcel of land (later to be known as Stone Pit Close) containing 4 acres 3 roods 31 perches for the use of the parish towards repair of the roads. The Trustees, The Minister and Churchwardens, had the option of extracting stone for road maintenance or leasing the field and using the rent for that purpose. It is doubtful if any stone was actually extracted.


In the course of time the maintenance of the roads became the responsibility of the County and District Authorities, thus releasing funds for other purposes. In 1976 the Trustees, (with the permission of the Charity Commission) sold the land and the proceeds invested in Charinco Investment Shares and Equities Investment Fund (Charifund). Both these Investment Funds are approved by The Official Custodian of Charities. The dividend arising from these investments is now applied, as the Trustees think fit for any charitable purposes for the general benefit of the inhabitants of Kislingbury, for which provision is not made out of rates, taxes, or any other public funds.

(With thanks to Mr J V Tuchener)



These days this Charity is administered by three Trustees, one of which has to be the Rector of the Parish, plus two others, one of the Trustees also acts as Clerk and is responsible for vetting applications for grant aid, calling the annual meeting, controlling finances and presenting the year end accounts.



Applications for grant aid can be made by any organisation within the Parish boundary that require funds to assist them with the continuation of their purpose as long as that organisation was not started with assistance from public funds. i.e. grants from Parish Councils, District Councils etc.


Applications should be made with a copy of your organisation's current bank statement to: -


Peter Saunders Trustee/Clerk.

55 Willow View,


Northants. NN7 4AU.

Tel. 01604 830398.

E-mail: -